Schumann 125.28Hz x Sun 126.22Hz (Binaural Beat)
Resonating the symbolical love story of the Sun in love with the Earth.
This unique combination simulate the Mother's cradle, holding dream states, creating a bridge into the subconscious.
Profoundly efficient at relaxing the nervous system, it induces a hypnotic state within seconds. (0,94Hz Binaural beat - influencing Delta brainwave states)
The Sun frequency 126.22Hz combined with Schumann 125.28Hz deepens our awareness of our relation with the Earth and the Sun.
By using them (126,22Hz x 125,28Hz) together it creates a binaural beat with an interval of 0,94Hz propelling within the body a deep wave which cleanse and facilitates flow and movements, giving the power to guide and balance energy.
174,00 €Price