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194,18Hz Earth Day (Weighted)

194,18Hz Earth Day (Weighted)

Earth Day
Grounding - Calming - Vitalizing

Tone ( electronic ) simulation :

The Frequency of the Earth-Day
Tone: 194.18 Hz = G
a1 = 435.9 Hz / 440 Hz -16.1 cent)
Tempo: 91.0 bpm
Color: red-orange
Chakra: Muladhar - base chakra (intestines / kundalini)
Effect: dynamic, vitalzing (medicinal: tonifies)

The tone 'G' with 194.18 Hz is the 24th octave of one earth day. That means the following: the tuning fork oscillates 194.18 times per second back and forth. If you duplicate this vibrations at 24 octave lower, the tuning fork would need exactly one day to oscillate back and forth. To move to a lower octave is to halve the frequency, to move up an octave is to double the frequency.
An octave is the fundamental musical interval in the general teaching of harmony. The sequence of the tones as well as the names of the tones are repeated from octave to octave.
Out of all intervalls the octave causes the strongest resonance at an equal level of energy. This particular property of the octave is the reason its laws are applied not only to the band of audible oscillations but also to all periodical phenomena for exam-ple the earth's rotation or the orbits of the planets. Thus the tone G with 194,18 Hz is, according to the classical musical definition, the 'day-tone'.
The knowledge about the magical effect of the octave is an ancient one. One of the mysterious inscriptions on the capitals at the abbey church of Cluny in France says:
"Octavus Sanctos Omnes Docet Esse Beatos"
"The octave teaches the saints bliss."

Also nature conforms to the law of the octave. Thus the electro-magnetic impulses in the earth's athmosphere are mostly exact octave frequencies to the earth's rotation. The so-called spherics, or athmospherics are ephemeral, greatly lowered electro-mag-netic impulses in the earth's athmosphere and influence the weather. Because of the existing frequencies it is possible to tell if the weather will change in 1 1/2 to 2 days or not, whether a cold front will arrive etc.. Futhermore it has been proved that proteins molecules are influenced by certain frequen-cies of spherics. This is of great importance for medicine as well as for certain branches of industry like for example the printing industry (the procedure of photogravure printing).
If you are tuned to the day-tone (194.18 Hz), you are tuned to the weather determining spheric frequency, as well as to the micro-biological molecuar area of proteins. Being tuned to that sound brings you in many respects into harmony with nature and yourself. Just think of how many different proteins we are made of and how essential they are for us!
We owe it to the English trumpet player John Shore that we have certain frequencies on hand. John Shore played in the orchestra of Friedrich Haendel, he was one of 24 musicians in the orchestra of Queen Anne and played the solo trumpet at the coronation of Georges I in 1714 and he was a member for many years of the kings band. He invented the tuning fork in the year 1711. With a tuning fork you cannot only tune musicial instruments but also yourself. You hold the tuning fork by the stem with your fingers, strike the tuning fork on your knee or on the heel of your other hand to get it vibrating. You can hold the base of the stem of the vibrating tuning fork on your body. Preferably choosing an acupuncture point because then the vibration can travel through the whole meridian. If you use the tuning fork with the frequency of 194,18 Hz you get a stimulating and tonic effect. In this way you can increase your body's vitality.
A very effective point (corresponding to the first chakra) is the coccyx. The lowes point of the spine is the beginning point of the kundalini, the power which runs through all the chakras. The stimulation of this point with the day-tone gives power to the kundalini and kindles its fire. The whole body gets energized and you feel more awake and alive, stronger and more energetic. It is advisable to use this in the morning after getting up.
A combination of the tonepuncture, as described above with colour therapy multiplies the effects of the application. Corresponding to the 'G' there is the colour orange-red with a wavelenght of 700 Nanometers.
Music, which is tuned to this tone has a dynamic character, and has a stimulating and activating effect. Therefore it is suitable for dynamic group work, especially for group meditations with a dance and body expression focus.
It is good for men to use it before the sexual act, because this tone not only increases the general energy but also the tension energy, and so it can prevent a common harm, the so called premature ejaculation. Especially effective are the point 11 and 12 of the kidney meridian, which is 3 finger widths under the navel.

Source text by Hans Cousto:

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